Customize MMS Settings on Managed Android Devices

It can be complicated to customize the setting of multimedia messaging service (MMS) on batch devices. However, with an MDM solution, the task is much easier...

Role-based Access Control: Definition and Examples

Role-based access Control is an advanced security mechanism that restricts system/network access for users based on their role in an enterprise environment.....

How to Build and Manage an App Catalog: Tools, Tips, and Best Practices

Learn how to build and manage an app catalog for your business. Discover essential tools, tips, and best practices to ensure security, consistency, and efficiency.

Trusted Credentials on Android: Everything You Need to Know

Trusted Credentials are used to ensure users’ network security. This guide fully introduces what they are and how to add or remove them on Android devices.

What is a Root Certificate? An In-Depth Look at Root Certificates

A root certificate is a type of digital certificate issued by a trusted certificate authority (CA) to establish a secure and trusted Internet environment.

Pick an MDM Provider Which Meets Your Device Management Needs

Finding a right MDM provider is a challenging task. We have selected the top 5 providers for different scenarios and highlighted their best performance areas...

How to Manage Data Usage on Android Devices?

Businesses can manage data usage effectively using an MDM platform. This post will explain it further and share other Android data management methods.

Step-by-Step: How to Disable Wi-Fi on Android Devices?

You can apply several methods on Android to disable Wi-Fi quickly. If you’re new to the platform or wish to perform the activity on several devices simultaneously, follow this post.

What is Android Device Policy & Effective Implementation

Developed by Google, Android Device Policy is a tool that helps businesses manage company-issued devices powered by Android. Besides this, it also has another layer of meaning, which is that enterprises use MDM to configure Policy(rules) for the group of devices they manage

What are Wi-Fi Security Protocols: Detailed Comparison and Features

Do you want to stay protected and secure while using a Wi-Fi network? Check out these Wi-Fi security protocols and choose the best WPA version for your devices

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